12 place de Gennes 49700 Doué La Fontaine




Official Site

Official Site 83 €

Another Sites 96.60 €



Saumur is a lovely town built on both sides of the Loire and one part is on an island : Ile d'Offard.


The first thing you see on arriving in Saumur, whichever side you arrive on, is the château which dominates the town.  Built in the Vallée des Rois (Valley of the Kings) and listed a "World Heritage Site" since 2000, it boasts numerous collections.

You can also visit the numerous vineyards in Saumur : Ackermann vineyard, Veuve Amiot vineyard, Maison Langlois Château...

Take a stroll around the streets lined with timber-framed houses.  In the summer season there is plenty of entertainment on various themes (horses, the Loire, the Middle Ages...)


Auberge de la Rose

Auberge de la Rose